


SUBTITLE: Study and management of the bottlenose dolphin in the Mediterranean Sea

PERIOD: 2013-2015

SUMMARY: GDEGeM (Grand Dauphin Etude et Gestion en Méditerranée) is a collaborative and multidisciplinary project with the mission of improving the conservation status of the bottlenose dolphin in the north-western Mediterranean Sea through three specific objectives: 1) improving the knowledge of the bottlenose dolphin population along the Mediterranean French coasts; 2) Contribute to implementing conservation and monitoring actions within protected marine areas; 3) To favour the conservation of the bottlenose dolphin on a Mediterranean scale through the creation of an international research and monitoring network..

SCIENTIFIC PARTNERS: BREACH, CARI, EcoOcéan Institut, Fondazione Aquario di Genova, GECEM, Parc naturel régional de Corse, SOMME

FINANCIALS: FMAVA Foundation, Agence des aires marines protégées, Pelagos (Franch side)

INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERS: Parc national de Port-Cros, ACCOBAMS, Pelagos, MedPan, Agence des aires marines protégées, Parc Marine de la Cote Bleue


Dolphins Without Borders

SUBTITLE: A study on bottlenose dolphins from the Pelagos Sanctuary

PERIOD: 2017-2018

SUMMARY: Study on the presence, abundance and ecology of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the waters of the Pelagos Sanctuary (North-Western Mediterranean) through sighting and photo-identification activities carried out along the coasts of France, Liguria, Tuscany and Sardinia. The collected data ware shared on the Intercet platform ( in order to be analysed in an aggregate form.

PARTNER: Tethys Research Institute (leader), Fondazione Aquario di Genova, GIS3M, CE.TU.S Center, SEA ME Foundation

FINANCIALS: Pelagos Sanctuary, Albert II of Monaco Foundation



SUBTITLE: UAn international project to evaluate the conservation status of the bottlenose dolphin in the Mediterranean Sea.

PERIOD: 2017-2019

SUMMARY: TursioMed is a research project to assess the conservation status of the bottlenose dolphin in the Mediterranean Sea through an international research and monitoring network. The project involved 28 research institutes from 8 Mediterranean countries, who shared the data collected between 2004 and 2017 on the Intercet platform ( The analysis of aggregate data has made it possible to update scientific knowledge on the conservation status of the Mediterranean bottlenose dolphin.

PARTNER: Fondazione Acquario di Genova, WWF Switzerland

FINANCIAL: Blue Planet Foundation - Virginia Böger Stiftung X.X.

PATRONATORS: ACCOBAMS (Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area



: Fondazione Acquario di Genova, Accademia del Leviatano ONLUS, Associazione Me.Ri.S., CE.TU.S. Research Center, CIMA Research Foundation, Oceanomare Delphis Onlus, Ketos, MareTerra Onlus, SEA ME Sardinia onlus, Istituto Tethys, Università di Genova, Università di Pisa, Università di Torino, Gaia Research Institute Onlus, Associazione CRAMA, Filicudi Wildlife Conservation.


: Associacion BREACH, EcoOcèan Institut, GECEM.


: Alnilam Research and Conservation, SUBMON, Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute.


: Ionian Dolphin Project (TRI), Thalassa Ricerca e Formazione, Gaia Research Institute Onlus.


: Istanbul University and Turkish Marine Research Foundation, Marine Mammals Research Association/Denìz Memelileri Araştirma Derneği. Slovenia: Morigenos.


: IMMRAC – Israel Marine Mammal Research Center & Assitance.


: the Tunisian Dolphin Project



SUBTITLE: An international network to study and protect Cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea

PERIOD: 2020-2021

SUMMARY: Following the fruitful experience of TursioMed, the InterMed project was born with the aim of expanding and consolidating the international network for the study and protection of Mediterranean Cetaceans. This network will constitute the supporting structure for the implementation of the ACCOBAMS plans for the conservation and management of the bottlenose dolphin, the common dolphin and the Risso’s dolphin in the Mediterranean basin..

INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERS: Fondazione Acquario di Genova, WWF Switzerland, ACCOBAMS, SPA/RAC (to be confirmed)

FINANCIAL: Blue Planet Foundation - Virginia Böger Stiftung X.X., ACCOBAMS, Albert II of Monaco Foundation (to be confirmed).