
Intercet is an operational tool of the GIONHA Project to facilitate cooperation between parties engaged in research on cetaceans and sea turtles in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea.
Intercet was planned and developed by Acquario di Genova for Regione Liguria as a working tool open to the entire scientific community. Its function is to support the sharing and network management of geo-referenced data related to populations of cetaceans and sea turtles.
Intercet uses a WEBGIS platform that allows the aggregation, visualization and integrated analysis of geo-referenced data and photographs.
The Intercet platform joins together the technology of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with the information sharing attitude typical of the Web.
The GIS are computerized information systems that allow the acquisition, analysis and display of information from geo-referenced data
The Web (www: world wide web) is an Internet service that allows open access by the users (or a selection of them) to information and services.
The aggregation and analysis of data on the Intercet platform allows to obtain information about habitat, home range and abundance of cetaceans and sea turtles in the study areas covered by the research institutions involved in the Project.
The aggregation and analysis of data on the Intercet platform allows to obtain information about habitat, home range and abundance of cetaceans and sea turtles in the study areas covered by the research institutions involved in the Project.